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Cabin In the Woods

Summer 2023 Internship Project

Game Description

This was developed as a tutorial for CSC 281 - Foundations of Interactive Game Design at NC State.  The player must travel through a snow storm to collect wood to start their fire place. Upon completion a cutscene will play showing the player sitting by the fire.

For this project I was the sole implementer in Unreal Engine. We had a team of artists who created all the models and animations, which I then implemented. I created player movement and interactions in blueprint and C++. I implemented PCG blueprints to design the layout of the forest, paths, and river. I created animation blueprints, and implemented animations triggers for various purposes. I designed the environment, including landscape and atmosphere. I also designed and implemented the finale cinematic.





I dove into many areas of development I had little experience in for this project. I learned a lot about animations through this project, including using the triggers for picking up objects and footstep sounds. Experimenting with the PCG was a great experience which I learned a lot from, allowing me to quickly make large environments. It was also my first time going into cinematics, so I learned about implementing animations and camera movement. While much of the programming was stuff I've done before, I gained a new appreciation to many other areas of game development.

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