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Snake Eyes Combat Perks

Senior Design Project (Fall 2023)

Unreal Engine 5 C++

Game Description


Snake Eyes Combat Perks was a semester long project from Senior Design in Fall 2023 in association with Atomic Arcade. We were pitched to make a third-person melee combat game where as you kill enemies you unlock new perks that dramatically alter gameplay.

I was mainly focused on programming for this project and was responsible for the following things:

  • Implemented scalable weapon system

  • Implemented scalable perk system

  • Created cheat code system

  • Implemented Shadow Gaze perk

  • Implemented Loyal Companion

  • Created wolf AI

  • Implemented Lucky Roll to drop additional perks





This project was a great experience as it gave me a better understanding of professional game development, as well as going through a full development cycle. For the class we had to do lots of pre-production with design docs and outlining all the details of our plan. Throughout the project we also had to give project updates to the developers at Atomic Arcade, who gave us incredible design tips and programming advice. The resulting project came out really fun, and I really enjoyed my time working on it and learned a lot.

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