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Class Project (Spring 2023)

Unity C#

Game Description


Vola-Tile was a class project associated with Advanced Game Projects at NC State. With a team of five others, we created a city builder game in a procedural world running a cellular automata. The player must carefully manage their resources and track the changing environment to survive.

This project I took on mainly a programming. My contributions include:

  • Procedural map generation

  • Building UI

  • World customization

  • Assisting with building manager

  • Creating the resource manager

  • Tile art

  • Sprite Processer tool

  • Creating a code structure





This was my second semester long project, this time with a team double the size to the last one. I learned a lot about procedural generation, as I tried several different methods for map generation. I ended up implementing a system which layers multiple passes of perlin noise on the map to get the final product. I also learned about structuring for a long term project with creating a sprite processor tool, to ensure constant pixel size, and a singleton parent class as we were creating lots of classes requiring the singleton structure. If I could expand on this game more I'd like to implement a save system, improve the art, and continue to build out the procedural generation.

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